Inchwyrm Updates


Added an "Explore This Site" section to the home page, which will be a bit like a site map.


First blog post! It's not a great one, but I just needed to break the ice. If you'd like to hear me ramble about my experience quitting major social media platforms, give it a read!


Finally, a blog! Once I get a layouts page up, I'll write some documentation to make the layout easier for y'all to use.


Huge update to the CSS! You can't really see it on the front end, but on the back end it's much easier to navigate, and I removed several redundancies. It also uses rem rather than pixels.


Added an About page, but it'll be a bit before it's done.

My latest status is now visible from the home page


Got myself a!

Added several new links to the Bookmarks page

Added a clique collection and a table of contents to the home page


Added this "updates" section

Added more sites to the Bookmarks page

Started work on the Now page