
Who the heck is an inchwyrm?

Quick Facts

  • Special Interest: The Sims series, especially Sims 2
  • Favorites
    • Subjects: art/media history, philosophy, gender studies
    • Videogames: Sims 2, Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, Sims 4, Mario Kart
    • Shows: Community, Avatar the Last Airbender
    • Movies: Beauty and the Beast (1991), Bride of Reanimator (1990), Asteroid City (2023), Shrek Retold (2018)

Find Me Elsewhere

A bunch of snails carved out of gemstones

More Info

About Me

Hi! I go by Inchwyrm here, but you can also call me Toads or Toadsbey. I'm a transmasc, neurodivergent swamp creature in their mid-20's who's been making websites as a hobby since 2021. I'm currently in grad school for library/information sciences, so a lot of what I do on the web right now is informed by that.

About This Site

This site is my third personal site and my fourth site overall, if you don't count mini ones. Making so many sites, to me, is like making time capsules of where I was at a certain point in time. Each of my sites has had drastically different aesthetics, structures, and goals, and I enjoy keeping records of those, sort of like a digital journal.

My main goals here at inchwyrm.nekoweb are as follows:

  1. to build a cozy place for myself - I want to have a space on the internet that I enjoy spending time in.
  2. to maintain lists of resources for myself and others - I loooove tiny directories!
  3. to create and share art digitally - I'm mostly thinking about layouts here, but any kind of digital art works. Eventually I might join some more pixel cliques, too.
  4. to improve my webdev-related skills - an implicit goal for any site, I think, but I might as well say it. I especially want to concentrate on the structure of the site and the readability of the code this time around.


Updated 2024-08-17

  • Going into my second and final year of grad school! I don't like it as much as I liked undergrad--I'm the kind of person that really enjoys discussion-based classes, and there really aren't a lot of those in a practical degree like information studies (aka library school)--but I'm still learning really valuable things, and I think I'll enjoy working in a library much more than I'd enjoy being a uni professor.
  • Been working in a library for like seven months now! My favorite parts are helping people with research questions and helping with classes/instruction
  • Finally on testosterone!! It's amazing how much of a positive impact it's had on my self-perception.
  • Super into medieval aesthetics for some reason. Also the combination of medieval aesthetics with anachronistic elements like computers and televisions. I don't know why, but it speaks to me.
  • I miiiight be getting out of my months-long art block. Crossing my fingers about that one.

Site by inchwyrm(s) 2024.
This page uses the Galaxy Flame palette. Last updated 2024-08-31.